Analysis of Vitamin C Levels and Evaluation of Effervescent Tablets Mixture of Ethanol Extract of Red Guava Seeds and White Guava Seeds (Psidium Guajava L.)


  • Hendri Faisal Fakultas Farmasi, INKES Helvetia Medan Author
  • Suprianto Program Studi Farmasi, STIKes Indah Medan Author
  • Nur Aisyah Pitri Fakultas Farmasi, INKES Helvetia Medan Author
  • Sri Handayani Fakultas Farmasi, INKES Helvetia Medan Author
  • Dwi Setio Purnomo Fakultas Farmasi, INKES Helvetia Medan Author



Guava, vitamin C, UV spectrophotometry


Effervescent tablets, CO2-producing tablets from the reaction of tablet constituents with their solvents. Red guava contains beta-carotene vitamin C is quite high, white guava is rich in vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, tannins, phenols, triterpenes, essential oils, fiber, and fatty acids. The study aimed at the comparison of vitamin C extract of red and white guava seeds (Psidium guavala. L). Powder evaluation includes flow time, angle of repose, compactibility. The evaluation of tablets included organoleptic, soluble time, weight uniformity, hardness, friability, pH, vitamin C content using UV spectrophotometry method. The results showed that the flow time test was 11.31-16 gram/second, the angle of repose was 33.02-34.92%; compactibility 7.59-16.9%; effervescent tablet preparation is round in shape, brown aroma, dark brown-brown color, slightly sweet taste, dissolving time 33.79- 89.53 seconds; hardness 4-5,4 kg; friability 0.04-0.9%; pH is close to neutral at pH 5.83-6.39; vitamin C content of red and white guava seeds were 37.86 mg/g and 42.32 mg/g, respectively. Red and white guava seed extract can be formulated into effervescent tablets and has vitamin C 0.19 – 0.28 mg/g


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How to Cite

Hendri Faisal, Suprianto, Nur Aisyah Pitri, Sri Handayani, and Dwi Setio Purnomo , Trans., “Analysis of Vitamin C Levels and Evaluation of Effervescent Tablets Mixture of Ethanol Extract of Red Guava Seeds and White Guava Seeds (Psidium Guajava L.)”, jisk, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–7, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.52622/jisk.v3i1.40.

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