Purity Test of Durian Seed Galactomannan Extract (Durio zibethinus L.) using the Luff Schoorl Method


  • Nilsya Febrika Zebua Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien Author
  • Sumardi Departemen Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan-Indonesia Author
  • Suprianto Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia Author
  • Alizha Aisyah Departemen Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan-Indonesia Author




Durian seeds, galactomannan, chromatography, Luff Schoorl


Introduction: Galactomannan is found in the endosperm of seeds in the Fabaceae family, for example durian seeds (Durio zibethinus L). Galactomannan is a natural polysaccharide as an additional ingredient. Objective: The research aims to determine the Galactomannan content in Durian seeds isolated by chromatography and to determine the Galactomannan content in Durian seeds using the Luff Schoorl method. Methods: The research was carried out by extracting galactomannan from Durian seeds using distilled water by heating them for 5 minutes. Purification was carried out using paper chromatography with various variations of mobile phases, namely BEW (Butanol: Ethanol: Water), BAW (Butanol: Acetic acid: Water), Glacial acetic acid 10%, Glacial acetic acid 50%, HCl 10%, HCl 20% and Thin layer chromatography with the mobile phase n-Hexane: Ethylacetate at varying ratios of 3:7 and 7:3. Purity testing is carried out using the Luff Scroorl method. Results: Extraction of 500 g of durian seeds produces 1,8% Galactomannan. The levels before and after inversion using the Luff Schoorl method were respectively 8.0131 and 7.0679 mg/mg. Conclusion: Galactomannan can be obtained from extracting durian seeds and its inverse using the Luff Scroorl method.


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How to Cite

N. F. Zebua, Sumardi, Suprianto, and Alizha Aisyah , Trans., “Purity Test of Durian Seed Galactomannan Extract (Durio zibethinus L.) using the Luff Schoorl Method”, jisk, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1–5, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.52622/jisk.v3i3.01.

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