Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process at Jurnal Indah Sains dan klinis

Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their research papers via the Indah Journal of Science and Clinical online submission system.

Editorial Check: The journal's editorial team conducts an initial check to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's formatting and ethical standards.

Reviewer Assignment: The editor assigns reviewers who are experts in related fields to evaluate the quality, originality, methodology, significance and relevance of the manuscript to the scope of the journal.

Peer Review Evaluation: Reviewers provide constructive feedback on the manuscript, including recommendations on whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised, or rejected.

Editorial Decision: Based on the evaluation of the reviewers, the editor makes a decision whether the manuscript is accepted without revision, accepted with revision, or rejected. Revisions (if necessary): If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the author is asked to revise according to the reviewer's input.

Final Decision: The editor reviews the revised manuscript and makes a final decision as to whether the manuscript meets the journal's standards.

Publication: Accepted manuscripts will be formatted according to journal guidelines and published in the next issue.