Publication Ethics

Jurnal Indah Sains dan Klinis (JISK), a scholarly journal associated with the Yayasan Penelitian dan Inovasi Sumatera (YPIS) in partnership with Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI), maintains a strict stance against unethical publication practices. Embracing ethical principles, JISK unequivocally condemns all instances of plagiarism. Authors who submit articles to the journal assert the originality of their manuscript content. Additionally, it is confirmed that the manuscript has not been previously published in any language, either in whole or in part, and is not under consideration elsewhere for publication. Adherence to ethical publication practices is paramount within the JISK community, comprising editors, authors, and reviewers. All stakeholders agree to uphold their responsibilities as delineated in the COPE Code.

1. Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

2. Code of Conduct for Reviewers

3. Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers All parties are expected to follow these guidelines

Publication and Authorship

Manuscripts are submitted for rigorous peer review by experts in the relevant field, employing a double-blind process. Review criteria encompass relevance, methodological rigor, significance, originality, and language. Possible outcomes may include acceptance, revisions, or rejection. Authors are encouraged to revise and resubmit, though acceptance is not guaranteed. Rejected articles are not reconsidered for publication. Publication decisions adhere to legal mandates regarding defamation, copyright, and plagiarism. Each research study is published only once.

Authors’ Responsibilities

Authors declare that their manuscripts represent their own original work. Manuscripts must not have been previously published elsewhere or concurrently under review elsewhere. Authors participate in the peer review process and issue retractions or corrections if necessary. All authors contribute significantly to the research, affirm the authenticity of presented data, disclose any conflicts of interest, acknowledge all sources, and report any identified errors in their published papers.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Reviewers maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts and provide objective and constructive feedback without personal criticism. They identify relevant unpublished work and highlight any significant similarities with previously published material. Reviewers decline assignments that pose conflicts of interest.

Editors’ Responsibilities

Editors have full authority to accept or reject articles and ensure the publication's content and overall quality. They consider the needs of authors and readers, guarantee the quality and integrity of published papers, and promptly publish errata or corrections when necessary. Editors base decisions on the importance, originality, accuracy, and relevance of papers, safeguarding reviewer anonymity. They ensure that all published research adheres to ethical guidelines and promptly address suspicions of misconduct, demanding evidence before making decisions. Conflicts of interest among personnel are strictly prohibited.