Determination of Zinc Levels in Tuna Circulating in Sei Sikambing Market by Visible Spectrophotometry


  • Muhammad Gunawan Program Studi Farmasi, STIKes Indah Medan Author
  • Ucha Gustamayanti Program Studi Farmasi, STIKes Indah Medan Author



Tuna, Zinc, Zinc, Visible Light Spectrophotometry, Ditizone


Tuna, a seafood product often consumed by the public, has a high protein content and omega 3 fatty acids. The micro zinc mineral is needed for the synthesis and degradation of biomolecules and the role of enhancing the immune system. Zinc reacts with ditizone in a red base. Research to determine zinc content in raw, fried, steamed, and grilled tuna. Samples were taken purposively at the Sei Sikambing Medan traditional market, determination of levels using visible spectrophotometry, and digestion with a solution of ditizone in alkaline. Method validation parameters include accuracy, precision, and sensitivity. Percent recovery of 100.50%, RSD 0.95 %, LOD 0.620 μg/ml, and LOQ 2.066 μg/ml. The zinc levels of raw, steamed, fried, and grilled tuna were 22.214 mg, 22.063 mg, 22.3384 mg, and 22.234 mg per 100 g, respectively. ANOVA test, there is a significant difference in the acquisition of zinc levels in raw tuna, steamed tuna, grilled tuna, and fried tuna. The method used is quite accurate. The zinc content of raw, fried, grilled tuna was higher than that of steamed, but there was no real difference


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— Updated on 31-12-2020

How to Cite

Muhammad Gunawan and Ucha Gustamayanti , Trans., “Determination of Zinc Levels in Tuna Circulating in Sei Sikambing Market by Visible Spectrophotometry”, jisk, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 18–21, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.52622/jisk.v1i1.4.

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