Analysis of Dexamethasone Herbal Medicine for Aches and Pains in Lubuk Pakam using the Spectrophotometric Method


  • Cucu Arum Dwi Cahya Fakultas Farmasi, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia Author
  • Sri Rezeki Anggriani Fakultas Farmasi, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia Author



Dexamethasone, Rheumatic Pain Herbal Medicine,, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry


Background: Chemical drugs are prohibited from being contained in traditional medicine doses. Based on BPOM findings in 2015-2017, almost 100 traditional herbal medicine products contain medicinal chemicals (BKO), including dexamethasone. Objective: Study to determine dexamethasone levels and the level of control in herbal medicine for rheumatic pain in the Lubuk Pakam area. Method: The UV-Fis spectrophotometric method was used for quantitative analysis. Meanwhile, for qualitative analysis, the reagents used were the addition of anhydrous acetic acid and concentrated sulfuric acid. Results: Analysis with the addition of this reagent showed that 5 samples contained dexamethasone. UV-Fis spectrophotometric analysis showed dexamethasone levels in samples A1 to A5 were 4.069; 4,229; 4,416; 11,788; and 5,270 mg/g. Conclusion: The research results showed that all five samples contained Dexamethasone at certain levels in the Lubuk Pakam area, North Sumatra


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How to Cite

Cucu Arum Dwi Cahya and Sri Rezeki Anggriani , Trans., “Analysis of Dexamethasone Herbal Medicine for Aches and Pains in Lubuk Pakam using the Spectrophotometric Method”, jisk, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 15–19, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.52622/jisk.v4i1.03.

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