Letter Of Accepted

Letter of Acceptance (LoA) can be obtained from the Jurnal Indah Sains dan Klinis, you need to follow some steps. Here are general guidelines you can follow:


Prepare Manuscript


Relevant Topics: Make sure your manuscript fits the focus and scope of the Jurnal Indah Sains dan Klinis.

Writing Format: Follow the writing guidelines set by the journal, including reference format, article structure, and writing style.

Proofreading: Double-check your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors


Submit Manuscript


Submission System: Use the manuscript submission system established by the journal

Submission Forms: Fill out all required forms with accurate information.

Supporting Documents: Attach all necessary supporting documents, such as a cover letter and ethics statement.


Review Process


Peer Review: Your manuscript will undergo a peer review process, where several reviewers will evaluate the quality and scientific contribution of your manuscript.

Revisions: You may be asked to revise the manuscript based on reviewer feedback. Make sure to respond to all comments with detail.


Final Decisions


If your manuscript is accepted, the journal editor will send you a Letter of Acceptance.

If your manuscript is rejected, you will receive feedback explaining why. You can correct your manuscript and resubmit it or try another journal.

By following these steps, you increase your chances of getting a Letter of Acceptance from the Jurnal Indah Sains dan Klinis by filling out the LoA form. Requests for a Letter of Acceptance can be made via:


: sekretariatjisk@gmail.com

:  +62 8126363013


: Click Here